Naughty or Nice: 15 Awesome Secret Santa Gift Ideas for Under £10
8 years ago

By Jodi McGowan
If you’re looking to be a bit thrifty with your Christmas wages, chucking your name into a Secret Santa hat is the best way to spend less.
Instead of purchasing gifts for everyone, simply picking a name out of a hat and buying a present for that one person will save you a bucket load.
Whether its at work, college, university, or just with your gals and guys, it can be a challenge to come up with something original, because who really wants a Lynx Woman gift set?
Luckily we’re put together this awesome list of 15 Secret Santa ideas for £10 and under, so no one has to suffer at the hands of another pair of novelty socks, ever again!
Debit card at the ready, here we go!
1 – Shot Spinner
Is it the perfect party game (for over 18s obviously) or just an excuse to get bladdered with your family and friends? We’re not sure, but it looks ace. All you have to do is fill the shot glass with a spirit of your choice, spin the arrow, and the lucky person it lands on gets to down it. You can even throw some dares in for added flavour. Priced at £5.49…….take out money now! Click here to order yours from The Gift and Gadget Store now.
2 – Prosecco Humbugs
You can’t go wrong with sweets at Christmas can you? Give the Milk Tray a miss and stock up on these little beauties instead. These Raspberry and Prosecco (match made in heaven) jars of loveliness will put a smile on any bubbly lovers face, but maybe open them on the sly, these aren’t for sharing around the office! Say Prosecco Humbug to overpriced chocs and spend £6.50 at Holly’s Lollies for your little jar here.
3 – Slanguage
Perfect for that jet-setting friend who is always visiting new places but can’t speak a word of the language. These fun-filled cards are a quick and easy way to learn keywords or phrases in another language. We’ve picked up a bit of Japanese, Spanish and German just looking through the pictures! Educational and a boss little gift! Get yours from Firebox for £6.99 here.
4 – Ultimate Colouring Magnificent Creatures
How boss was colouring in when you were a kid? We remember winning certificates for it and everything. Following on from a huge colouring book trend in 2015, this Ultimate Colouring Experience will not only help you de-stress with page after page of intricate patterns, it also comes with 18 coloured pencils…..12 of which are metallic! What! A calming yet compelling gift for that special someone who maybe needs help to chill over the holidays. Get yours at Smyths for £6.99 now. You could even chuck in a pencil sharpener from Paperchase!
5 – Sudokube
If the person you are buying for is a big fan of puzzles, don’t hold back on purchasing this little brainteaser. The traditional Rubik’s cube has had its colours replaced by numbers and let’s be honest; there is something very intriguing about this straightforward, yet testing puzzle that keeps us entertained for an hour or so. No doubt a family member will say they’re boss at it and start showing off at the boxing day buffet! Get it nailed before hand and buy yours here, for £7.95
6 – Smartgloves
Whether you’re 5 (with your first tablet) or 75 and still smashing out the text messages, these Smartgloves are a fab gift for just about everyone. We’re addicted to technology and on these winter days, having to battle frostbitten fingers to text is now a thing of the past. Woven with some kind of mystical technology, Smartgloves allow you to continue to use touchscreens without having to take your gloves off in the icy conditions. £7.95 worth of winning! Get yours from Prezzybox here.
7 – Underwater Disco Lightshow
Okay so this item isn’t going to keep your hands warm in the cold, nor will it improve your language skills or make you math genius, but how freaking cool is this? An Underwater Disco Light Show! Pair this with a Lush Bath Bomb and you’ve officially won Secret Santa for all eternity. Wait, there’s even more good news…..it’s only £3.97 from Menkind online right now. Get yours by clicking here.
8 – Colour in Passport Cover
“Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a Passport.”
Another one for the traveller in your group. This creative little stocking filler is a fun way to keep track of your travels or highlight future destinations. Plus it might just raise a smile from those scary looking people at immigration……although we doubt it! Get your scribble fix from Very for just £7.99 here.
9 – Radley Fleet Street Desk Pad
Not all Secret Santa gifts have to look cheap even though they’re on a budget. Check out this desk planner from Leather Goods manufacturer, Radley at John Lewis. We all know a person whose new year’s resolution is to be more organised and let’s be honest, it never really goes to plan. You can be Santa’s little helper and purchase this weekly planner for them to tick off throughout the year. Order your little bit of luxury for £8.00 here.
10 – Portable Wine Glass
As far as we’re concerned, every wine glass is portable, but to prevent unnecessary spillage, check out this portable wine glass holder that keeps your white chilled, and big free, plus protects the glass inside should you get a bit wobbly. It’s Christmas, get yourself one as well, they’re only £8.95 from Prezzybox, here.
11 – Mood Maker Colour Changing Nail Polish
Everyone loves a bargain, especially at Christmas and with this gift you get two polishes thrown in for less than £9! Remember this mood changing tuff when you were about 12, you’d stick it on and try your best ot get a pretend cob-on to see if it really worked. We dare you to buy this for the grump in your office and see if you can avoid any drama in the new year! Get yours from Amazon here.
12 – Custom travel mug
So you’ve got your portable wine glass sorted, how about swerving the overload of Christmas takeaway coffee cups with a personalised travel mug instead? An absolute bargain at £9.17 on Etsy, you can have whatever name you like, beautifully stencilled on these insulated cups, perfect for icy winter mornings. Check out Through The Milky Way on Etsy to nail your Secret Santa gift, here.
13 – Lush Christmas Gift Set
You can’t write a Secret Santa Guide and not have a Lush item on it, can you? This lush-ious gift set includes a shoot for the stars bath bomb and a snow angel bath melt, which alongside new jarmies and a Baileys chilling on the side of the bath, is what Christmas is all about when you’re a grown up. Give the gift of smelling amazing and feeling all glowy for just £9.95 by ordering your set from Lush, here.
14 – Snakes and Bladdered
Doesn’t really need much of and introduction this one. Relieve your childhood with this traditional game that’s been turned on it’s head for adult enjoyment. We’ve got a sssssneaky feeling this may make an appearance at The Guide Liverpool Christmas Party, purely because we’re all so competitive! A brilliant office Secret Santa pick for £9.99. Bring on the messy! Click here to order yours.
15 – Yankee Candle Christmas Set
For a sweet holiday treat, need you look no further than trusted brand Yankee, and who doesn’t like candles? These tea lights vary from spring to winter scents, which means that they are the perfect gift all year round, a gift that keeps giving! Unless you’re like us and have them all lit around the house at the same time! Click here to check out the Boots website for loads of Secret Santa ideas, and grab your Yankee Tea Lights for £9.99.
So there you have it, 15 Secret Santa gift ideas that will help you buy the perfect gift. Don’t leave it too late now or you’ll be put on the naughty list!
If you’ve spotted any local bargains you think we should share with the whole of Merseyside, drop us a line info@theguideiverpool.com or tweet us your boss Secret Santa gifts @TheGuideLpool