Neil Campbell to perform solo guitar concert in Liverpool
6 years ago
On Friday 19th July (doors 7.30pm) composer/guitarist Neil Campbell will perform a solo guitar concert at Liverpool’s 81 Renshaw Street.
Joining him for the concert will be folk songwriter and guitarist Charlie McKeon, who will set the scene with an instrumental guitar dominated set.
The music of Liverpool guitarist and composer Neil Campbell draws on elements of contemporary classical, progressive rock, jazz, folk and other musical styles.
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As a guitarist much of his recorded output reflects his writing for solo (mainly nylon-string) guitar. This includes ‘Through the Looking Glass’ (2003), ‘Night Sketches’ (2004), ‘Tabula Rasa Suite’ (2014) and his latest recording ‘Last Year’s News’ (2019).
His solo performances often involve him using loops and other technology to expand the sound and scope of what one performer can do with the classical guitar. As a soloist he has performed in the UK and Europe, and has been a regular performer at the International Guitar Festival of Great Britain.