Health & Fitness
Quit smoking in 2025 with the help of Smokefree Liverpool
4 weeks ago

Take the first step to a smoke-free life and quit smoking for just 24 hours – that’s the advice from health leaders who believe a small step could lead to a life-changing transformation.
In Liverpool, smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and illness. Two in three smokers will lose their lives to a smoking-related illness, while many more live with serious health problems like heart disease, strokes, cancer, dementia, and lung disease. Smoking is also the biggest driver of health inequalities across the city.
Health officials are encouraging smokers to take a bold but manageable step and quit for just one day to help break the addiction and begin the path to a healthier future.
They are also urging more men to come forward for support, as fewer are seeking help despite smoking being more common among men, with around twice as many male smokers as women. In Liverpool, 61% of those using smoking support services in 2023/24 were women.
The Council is working with Smokefree Liverpool, an organisation dedicated to helping individuals quit smoking and improve their health. With a range of resources and personalised support and advice, becoming smokefree is easier and achievable.
Paul, 58, from Liverpool, is living proof that it’s never too late to quit. His decision to stop smoking changed his life. Paul said:
“I quit smoking 13 months ago because I had to have surgery on my spine. After my first two surgeries, I got sepsis, and my surgeon said it was because I smoked. He told me to quit before my third surgery, so I did. The difference was huge, I was out of the hospital in three days instead of the three to four weeks it took before because of sepsis.
“After talking to my surgeon, I called the Smokefree helpline and spoke to a lovely lady named Jane. She hooked me up with patches, an inhalator, and gum, which really helped with the cravings.
“With those tools and my determination, I quit smoking on October 25, 2023, and I haven’t touched a cigarette since. My recovery and health have been amazing, and I haven’t looked back.”

Liverpool’s Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing, and Culture, Councillor Harry Doyle, said:
“Smoking is a major health risk, with studies estimating that the average smoker loses about 50 days of life for every year they continue the habit. However, it’s never too late to quit. Within just one year of stopping smoking, ex-smokers reduce their risk of heart attack, heart disease, or stroke by 50 percent. Quitting smoking is one of the most effective steps anyone can take to improve their health and well-being.’”
Director of Public Health Professor Matthew Ashton stresses the importance of patience and encouragement when supporting someone who’s trying to quit smoking. Matt said:
“On average it can take smokers up to 30 attempts before they successfully quit. Support and encouragement massively increase the chance of success. Our message is that smokers should never stop attempting to give up smoking cigarettes and moving themselves towards a smokefree future.”