Review: Eye for Colour Exhibition at Liverpool Museum
9 years ago

Looking for something new to do with your little people this weekend but still paying for December? How about a trip to the World Museum to see the Eye For Colour, the rainbow revealed exhibition? It’s free!
Back by popular demand this hands-on sensory experience is brimming with lights, colours and sounds that will keep little (and not so little) visitors entertained all morning.
Children can get hands on with fascinating displays exploring how colour brings our planet to life. The large hall is full of low level stations featuring big buttons, and clear instructions. The giant interactive eyeball camera was a huge hit with my little ones as they pulled funny faces and showed off!
Within an hour we had built a squishy shape rainbow, learned how animals see colour, found out about camouflage in the wild and emailed all the pictures we painted on the interactive paint shooters directly home with the click of a button!
The Mood Room exhibit is a big white tent of tranquility where visitors are encouraged to lounge on the cushions and take in the light and sound show. Another ten mins and my toddler would have been snoring….It’s fantastic!
Housed on the second floor of Liverpool’s Museum, William Brown street, the exhibition has all the handy amenities you’d expect from a family focussed event. Toilets, baby changing, easily accessible lifts, cafe and gift shop (with plenty of little trinkets at pocket money prices if your little ones have been super good!)
5/5 from The Guide!
The exhibition runs from today until Sept 4th so while the weather is rubbish…get involved!
Find out more here: www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/