Thousands of pounds worth of home improvements available to make Wirral’s homes greener
4 years ago

Wirral residents living in areas where homes are older and less energy efficient can access help to lower their bills whilst keeping their homes warm and being more environmentally friendly as a new grant scheme is launched.
The scheme will allow those eligible to access up to £10,000 worth of home improvement works for either insulation or installing solar power.
Installing either insulation or solar panels for electricity or heating water will not only make a home more environmentally friendly by reducing the CO2 emissions, and therefore the carbon footprint of the home, but will help to lower bills by reducing the amount of energy required for heating.
Eligibility for the scheme depends on area, the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of a property and household income.
Residents, or private landlords on behalf of their tenants, can apply for the funding and check eligibility by visiting the council’s website and filling out a short form. Any landlord should have their tenant’s permission before making an application on their behalf.
Check eligibility and apply for funding by visiting www.wirral.gov.uk/greengrants.
Alternatively, those interested in applying for the scheme, can call Energy Projects Plus (EPP), who are supporting the council with this scheme, on 0800 043 0151 or email advice@epplus.org.
Applications will be open until Thursday 30 September 2021.
Homeowners or landlords eligible for this scheme will be provided with an in-depth survey to help decide which home improvements are the most suitable for their property. Work carried out can include solid wall or cavity wall insulation, insulation for lofts (including top-ups), suspended timber floors or rooms-in-roofs, upgrading single glazing to double glazing, solar power water heating or solar electricity panels. Any works will be arranged by a company working with the council and carried out by a certified tradesperson.
All funding provided by Green Home Grants Local Authority Delivery must be spent by Friday 31 December 2021.
The scheme follows the previous government voucher scheme to help people across the UK make home improvements for less. Certain areas of the borough are eligible for the grant based on criteria set by national government.