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8 Reasons why Liverpool Cabbies are the best in the world

7 years ago

8 Reasons why Liverpool Cabbies are the best in the world

No one knows our amazing city like the cabbies do and its about time we gave them some credit.

There are lots of different types of taxi firms and drivers across the city region and the vast majority are actual legends. It might seem like their role of getting us from A-B is simple enough, but you get so much more with a Liverpool cabbie. Unofficial tours of the city, encyclopaedic knowledge, local history, the best radio stations and a proper giggle.

Whether you’re off on holiday, hitting the clubs or even moving house, our Liverpool taxi drivers will have a bit of banter, impart (usually good) advice and take the mick out of you, while getting you to your destination.

Here’s 8 reasons Liverpool taxi drivers re the best in the world…..

1 – They’re the fountain of all knowledge

And they remember EVERYTHING! Doesn’t matter where you’re going in the city, 9 times out of 10 they know the street, the colour of the shop sign, the bouncers on the door and where every cash point is within a 5 mile radius, and the ones that dispense £5 notes too!

2 – Liverpool taxi drivers do amazing things for local charities

The Liverpool Taxi Drivers Children In Care Outing Fund stages amazing events for children in care across Merseyside. Cabbies have joined together to take kids on days out and trips including Blackpool Illuminations, North Wales and even Disneyland Paris! Total legends. Find out more here.

3 – They’re proper lovely at times

Like when you nipped into Asda for bin bags and come out with a £79 big shop and almost crash the trolley into their cab, a Liverpool taxi driver will still load your shopping in, take your trolley back for you and bring your £1 back with a smile. Aww.

4 – Liverpool cabbies would make boss politicians

Our taxi drivers know the streets, not like in a sassy way, they genuinely see, hear and experience life on our city streets in a way some of us can’t get our heads round. From crime and poverty to the business clientele and the next generation and they don’t hold back on their opinions.

5 – Taxi Drivers at the airport may as well work for EasyJet

Liverpool Taxi - The Guide Liverpool

Any cabbie who works the airport knows the flight times and fares across the region off by heart. They’re a well travelled bunch most of them too, or is that just a taxi driver tan…hmmmmm?! Either way they’ll know where to check in, whether your bag will fit in the overhead lockers and tell you which airport bar does the cheapest pint.

6 – They’ll look out for you

We’ve heard of cabbies who’ve broken up fights, stopped burglaries, helped the injured and even just stood by passengers at deserted cash points at 4am because it’s pitch black and a bit scary. They also don’t judge, so what if you’re doing the walk of shame, school run in your pjays or jumping a cab a mile up the road, a fare’s a fare!

7 – They’ll always turn the choons up for you on the way into town

You’ve necked a bottle of wine as pre-drinks while getting ready and had the club hits banging while you’re all getting ready but nothing kills the buzz more than a silent cab ride into town. Luckily our cabbies are well up for a party and will always turn up the dancefloor fillers en route. All together now ‘Pretty Green Eyeeeeessssssss’.

8 – They love a good reminisce

Time served scouse cabbies love a reminisce. They’re like unofficial tour guides for the city.  They’ll tell you what shops and bars were called 20 years ago, which bands were playing the Olympia, why the Grafton was a boss night out and who’s been LFC’s best winger in the last decade, all off the top of their heads.  It’s basically like getting in the car with your dad…..but we wouldn’t change them one bit.

We’d love to hear your best taxi driver stories! Tweet us @TheGuideLpool or email us and we’ll share the best on our socials.



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