Police arrest 500 people in Merseyside as part of annual drink and drug drive campaign
2 years ago

Merseyside Police have arrested 500 people as as their annual drink and drug drive campaign enters its final stages.
Op Limit, which will continue to run until Monday 2 January 2023, has seen officers take a firm approach to taking dangerous drivers off the streets of Merseyside.
Since the launch of the campaign on November 21, police have made 154 arrests for drink drinking and 351 arrests for drug driving.
Many of these arrests have resulted in people being charged and brought before the courts, where they have been banned from driving and handed fines.

Roads Policing Sergeant Tim Pottle said:
“Making 500 arrests is not to be welcomed, but it shows how serious we take drink and drug driving offences.
“Op Limit is not over and we will continue to patrol the streets of Merseyside for the remainder of this campaign and beyond in order to stop motorists who endanger lives.
“This weekend is undoubtedly going to be busy in Merseyside as people look to celebrate the New Year. If you are planning to enjoy the occasion with a drink, please don’t get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
“For those who visit the shops, bars, clubs and restaurants across Merseyside, we want them to do so safely and get home safely. Please plan ahead and drink sensibly. We want everyone to have an enjoyable weekend and now find themselves in police custody.
“If you do drive under the influence of drink, drugs, or both, you are putting your own safety at risk, the safety of everyone in your vehicle, and the safety of every other road user you come across on your journey.”
Op Limit coincides with Operation Shepherd, which is Merseyside Police’s annual campaign to reduce crime and keep communities safe during the festive season.
If you have information about anyone who is driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs, please contact @MerPolCC, 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Always call 999 if a crime is in progress