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There’s about to be a baby boom in Liverpool! 5 Things all new parents need to know

7 years ago

There’s about to be a baby boom in Liverpool! 5 Things all new parents need to know

Swollen ankles, impossible inter-seasonal bump dressing and buggies EVERYWHERE, it’s officially the busiest time of year for births.

As Kate Middleton battles horrendous morning sickness, Colleen Rooney prepares for her fourth child (we’re guessing another boy) and Britain’s biggest family, The Radford’s welcome their 20th child, (seriously though 20 kids?) we take a closer look at why town is chokker full of prams and blooming mum’s to be right now.

We know what you did last Christmas

Did you know that in 2013 Liverpool Women’s Hospital delivered more babies than any other hospital in Europe, yep! Now 24 babies are born every day on average, one an hour (sheesh its no wonder the midwives there are always mad busy) and by doing a bit of simple maths, its not so surprising to find that late September, early October is the busiest time of the year for births either. According to a report by the National Office for Statistics (ONS) September 26th is the most common birthdate, almost 9 month to the day after Christmas.

Here’s the science bit…….Christmas bevvies……plus festive spirit……minus clothes…..add 9 months….equals an Autumn arrival!

How do you spell that again?

Watch this hilarious vid from Key & Peele on Comedy Central (contains a tiny bit of bad language not suitable for baby ears) and choose your baby name wisely!

Are you expecting a baby in the coming weeks? If so, you’ve most likely had your baby name picked out for some time now as this monumental decision can cause some drama among couples and their wider families. Liverpool is known for carrying on family names, if you’ve got an uncle Paul, chances are you’ve got a cousin called Paul too, or little Paul as we like to say. Olivia and Oliver were the most popular names in 2016, but with more Denerys, Aria, Ezra and Arlo’s making the 2017 list, choosing a name can be more stressful than ever.

Did you know that in Saudi Arabia its against the law to call your child Linda or Elaine?  Bit harsh like. And authorities in Sonoro, Mexico got sick of rolling their eyes when tonnes of parents tried to name their bundles of joy Robocop, Traffic, Lady Di and James Bond… they’re now on the ever-growing banned list.

Click here to check out the Baby Centre UK top baby names of 2017 so far and pick something that goes with that classic line……’Hey…..yer dinners ready’.

New Parenting Hacks in Liverpool

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The Guide Liverpool team have a few tots and few wise words between them, so we’ve pooled all our resources and come up with 5 parenting hacks that might just come in handy for first time parents. Venturing into town for the first time and covered in baby vom? In need of a bottle warmer? Want to know where you can breastfeed without being gawked at or maybe need somewhere to meet other frazzled parents to discuss reflux and teething? We got you covered.

Here’s 5 things every new scouse parent needs to know…..

1 – Liverpool Loves Breastfeeding

Earlier this month Liverpool City Council launched a brand new Breastfeeding friendly charter and businesses are queuing up to join in. The criteria to join the charter includes; allowing breastfeeding in all public areas, making private areas available for feeding where possible, offering mums a free drink of water or tea/coffee and promoting support services for breastfeeding. Hurrah! Find out more here.

2 – The Wigwam Café is the coolest hangout

Parents across the region rave about Wigwam Coffee Shop in Mossley Hill. Not only does it serve up tasty food (and lots of delicious fresh cakes) it offers little ones the chance to play, learn, dance, do homework, learn a language, watch films and generally have fun! Whether you’re feeling on top the world and fancy a coffee and chill, or you’ve barely brushed your hair and just need a change of scenery, Wigwam Coffee Shop is the place for you and your little dudes. More info here.

3 – Baby and Me Social Life

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You might think that little treats like cinema trips are a thing of the past, but it’s not all check ups and family visits now thanks to the likes of Picturehouse at FACT and Scream Club. There’s also loads of buggy-cise classes going on and free advice and drop ins at your local Sure Start Centre too. Your new social life starts here.

4 – The changing facilities at Liverpool One are the best

When (that’s definitely a when not an if) there’s been a nappy explosion of epic proportions, get yourself to Liverpool One as the baby changing facilities and breastfeeding areas are spacious, spotless and conveniently located on street level just along from Build A Bear and Debenhams. You can also hire a pram for tired little legs and get a wristband for older kids who love to run about, as part of the L1 Child Safe Shopping Scheme. Find out more here.

5 – Frazzled Shopping Tip

Did you know that most baby-friendly supermarket trolleys don’t require a £1 coin? (You know the ones with the car seat rack or plastic moulded seats?) So handy when you just about remember to put socially acceptable clothes on to go the Asda/Aldi/Tesco/Whatever to buy more baby wipes, nappies and gin……we mean bread….definitely bread.

What’s your best bit of advice for new parents about to welcome their little scouser into the world? Drop us a line, tweet us @TheGuideLpool or email us and we’ll share the best on our socials.



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